Monday 11 April 2016

Black Magic-#African witchcraft #Revitalizing your altar

Suggested Color: Ivory
Incense suggested: Lily
Take a close look your altar, your decor, your way to be accommodated. He's still working for you? So as we change and we grow up, also our altars is normal to do so. Add a few drops of lavender oil and lemon for a little bit of water, and use this mixture to clean your altar and everything on it is. You're not only physical cleaning of the powder or the earth, but cleaning it and charging it energetically also - so picture it, too. Advantage to withdraw the altar anything that no longer serve, I don't represent you, or simply feel as out of place. Add any new item i wish to do so, make sure you clean them too. Experience a little bit with the re-fit of those things that you think you can move and give freshness to order. He rearranges the thing that feels right and rearranging. When you have everything ready and in its place. Drop a couple of drops of your mixture of cleaning, asperge the altar bless all and saying:

" this is my altar, where I do my spells,
Rituals, meditations and work of life.
Bless my altar, and bless me with him too.
This is my wish, this is my will,
So be it ".

["This is my altar, where I do my spells,
my rituals, my life’s work. Bless my
altar and bless me as well. This is my
desire, so mote it be."]

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